Assess is the 6th and last stage of the Research Process
Self- Assessment is what is required at this final stage of the research process.
Some may be tempted to skip this stage of the process, however, in many ways it is the most important part of the learning process. While we learn a substantial amount by going through the research process itself, it is when we reflect on the process that deeper learning occurs. By doing this we examine ways that we can grow as learners.
At this stage of the process we should ask:
• Did I fulfill my purpose?
• How did I go - with each step of the information process?
• How did I go - presenting the information?
• What would I do differently next time?
• What did I learn from this process?
• For collaborative group work: did each member fulfill their role?
Self- Assessment is what is required at this final stage of the research process.
Some may be tempted to skip this stage of the process, however, in many ways it is the most important part of the learning process. While we learn a substantial amount by going through the research process itself, it is when we reflect on the process that deeper learning occurs. By doing this we examine ways that we can grow as learners.
At this stage of the process we should ask:
• Did I fulfill my purpose?
• How did I go - with each step of the information process?
• How did I go - presenting the information?
• What would I do differently next time?
• What did I learn from this process?
• For collaborative group work: did each member fulfill their role?

Information skills
Students should:
• review the extent to which the end product meets the requirements of the task
• assess their own use of the information skills in completing the task
• assess the effectiveness of own processes in each step of the Research Process
• examine strengths and weaknesses of specific information skills
• identify increases in knowledge
• determine how well they worked in groups (social skills)
• assess the positive contribution of each group member
• set personal goals for the further development of information skills
• conduct a PMI to assess both the process and the end product
• ask: What did I do well? In what areas can I improve? What would I do differently next time?
Core Skills
Assess Check Critique Evaluate Feedback Improve
Peer assess Reflect Review Self-assess Suggest Test
Naturally your teacher will also assess your final product and provide you with feedback to help you progress as a learner.
See Self-Reflection for Metacognition
Students should:
• review the extent to which the end product meets the requirements of the task
• assess their own use of the information skills in completing the task
• assess the effectiveness of own processes in each step of the Research Process
• examine strengths and weaknesses of specific information skills
• identify increases in knowledge
• determine how well they worked in groups (social skills)
• assess the positive contribution of each group member
• set personal goals for the further development of information skills
• conduct a PMI to assess both the process and the end product
• ask: What did I do well? In what areas can I improve? What would I do differently next time?
Core Skills
Assess Check Critique Evaluate Feedback Improve
Peer assess Reflect Review Self-assess Suggest Test
Naturally your teacher will also assess your final product and provide you with feedback to help you progress as a learner.
See Self-Reflection for Metacognition
References and Further Reading
Barrett, H. & Richter, J. (2016). Why Reflect?. Reflection4Learning. Center for Advanced Technology in Education, University of Oregon. Retrieved from
Chick, N. (2014). Metacognition. Center for Teaching. Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from
Christensen, T. (2017). Reflection Is the Most Important Part of the Learning Process. 99U by Behance. Retrieved from
Education Services Australia. (2011). Student self-assessment. Assessment for Learning. Retrieved from
Kay, J., Li. L., Fekete, A. (2006). Learner reflection in student self-assessment. School informtion Technologies, University of Sydney. Retrieved from
Kuhlthau, C. C. (2014). Guided Inquiry Design. Rutgers School of Information and Communication. Retrieved from
NEALS. (2015). Phase 4 - Peer and self-assessment for students. Strong Start Great Teachers. State of New South Wales, Department of Education. Retrieved from
Stanford Teaching Commons. (2015). Student self-assessment. Stanford University. Retrieved from
Te Kete Ipurangi. (2016). Reflection on the learning. Te Kete Ipurangi - Assessment Online. Ministry of Education, New Zealand.
Retrieved from
Teaching at UNSW. (2014). Student self-assessment. University of New South Wales. Retrieved from
For definition of metacogniton that involves reflection chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
Barrett, H. & Richter, J. (2016). Why Reflect?. Reflection4Learning. Center for Advanced Technology in Education, University of Oregon. Retrieved from
Chick, N. (2014). Metacognition. Center for Teaching. Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from
Christensen, T. (2017). Reflection Is the Most Important Part of the Learning Process. 99U by Behance. Retrieved from
Education Services Australia. (2011). Student self-assessment. Assessment for Learning. Retrieved from
Kay, J., Li. L., Fekete, A. (2006). Learner reflection in student self-assessment. School informtion Technologies, University of Sydney. Retrieved from
Kuhlthau, C. C. (2014). Guided Inquiry Design. Rutgers School of Information and Communication. Retrieved from
NEALS. (2015). Phase 4 - Peer and self-assessment for students. Strong Start Great Teachers. State of New South Wales, Department of Education. Retrieved from
Stanford Teaching Commons. (2015). Student self-assessment. Stanford University. Retrieved from
Te Kete Ipurangi. (2016). Reflection on the learning. Te Kete Ipurangi - Assessment Online. Ministry of Education, New Zealand.
Retrieved from
Teaching at UNSW. (2014). Student self-assessment. University of New South Wales. Retrieved from
For definition of metacogniton that involves reflection chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/

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